Webtalks and Podcasts
Science Mashup 2024: Podiumsdiskussion
Co-hosting the panel discussion on open_in_newScience Mashup 2024 “Games and School Education?” at HTWK Leipzig with Benjamin Bigl on April 27, 2024
OK COOL schmökert: Status Quo des Spielejournalismus
Interviewed for open_in_new OK Cool about the book Game-Journalismus, co-edited with Benjamin Bigl, by Dom Schott on March 8, 2024
Star Trek: Picard – Staffel 3 und Serien-Fazit
Interviewed for open_in_new podcast episode #165 of Nerdzig Radio about the final season of Star Trek: Picard hosted by Sascha Kummer and Chris Großöhmigen on May 14, 2023
The Orville im Rückblick
Interviewed for open_in_new podcast episode #163 of Nerdzig Radio about The Orville hosted by Sascha Kummer and Chris Großöhmigen on April 16, 2023
Star Trek und die Politik: Die Sprache der Diplomatie
Webtalk with Christian Humberg and Thomas A. Herrig and hosted by Martin Thoma for open_in_new Star Trek und die Politik, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, February 23, 2023
Audio only version:
Star Trek und die Politik: Utopie
Webtalk with Christian Kremser and hosted by Martin Thoma for open_in_new Star Trek und die Politik, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, February 9, 2023
Audio only version:
Star Trek und die Politik: Die Krisen unserer Zeit
Webtalk with Simon Fistrich and Sebastian Göttling of open_in_new Trek am Dienstag and hosted by Martin Thoma for open_in_new Star Trek und die Politik, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, January 25, 2022
Audio only version:
Die Star Trek-Filme der Next Generation: der große Rückblick
Interviewed for open_in_new podcast episode #146 of Nerdzig Radio about the four Star Trek TNG movies hosted by Sascha Kummer on December 5, 2021
Star Trek und die Politik: Institutionen der Galaxie
Webtalk with Thomas A. Herrig and hosted by Martin Thoma for open_in_new Star Trek und die Politik, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, November 11, 2021
Audio only version:
Fachinformationsdienste: Dienstleistungen und Literaturversorgung für die Forschung
Online lecture for open_in_new Coffee Lectures, Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, October 21, 2021
Star Trek I-VI: Der große Rückblick auf die Kinofilme der Originalcrew
Interviewed for open_in_new podcast episode #132 of Nerdzig Radio about the first six Star Trek movies hosted by Sascha Kummer and Ronny Pielert on August 29, 2021
Die Star Trek Utopie
Interviewed for open_in_new episode #9 of Neue Welten Podcast about the utopian ideal in Star Trek: The Next Generation hosted by Hardy Funk and Jonas Kiß on March 31, 2021
Star Trek: Picard
Interviewed for open_in_new podcast episode #87 of Nerdzig Radio about the first season of Star Trek: Picard hosted by Sascha Kummer and Chris Großöhmigen on April 13, 2020
Star Trek und die Politik
Interviewed for open_in_new podcast episode #40 of Trekcast about Star Trek and politics in June 2015 hosted by Malte Kirchner, Yann-Patrick Schlame, and Thorsten Kroke
Raumschiff Enterprise – Wie sich Star Trek unsere Zukunft vorstellt
Online lecture for open_in_new #gernelernen MDR Wissen, ARD (German public television) streaming, January 18, 2021
Kino Royal
Interviewed for open_in_new Kino Royal (MDR TV) about Star Trek’s 50th anniversary on July 23, 2016
Sternenflotte oder Borg-Kollektiv?
Interviewed for a radio feature open_in_new “Sein und Streit: Das Wir in der Science-Fiction – Sternenflotte oder Borg-Kollektiv?” by Christian Berndt on Deutschlandfunk Kultur on July 25, 2021
Hommage an zwei Star-Trek-Helden
Interviewed for a radio feature by Georg Seeßlen and Markus Metz on the occasion of the 90th birthday of William Shatner and the late Leonard Nimoy on open_in_new WDR 5 Scala on March 23, 2021
I need a Hero
Interviewed for open_in_new mephisto 97.6 about female superheroes on screen, March 5, 2020
50 Jahre “Star Trek”
Interviewed for a radio feature open_in_new “50 Jahre ‘Star Trek’ – Ein Spiegel gesellschaftlicher Realitäten” by Benedikt Schulz about Star Trek’s 50th anniversary on Deutschlandfunk on September 9, 2016
Vertraute Galaxien
Round table talk “Vertraute Galaxien: Star Trek wird 50” in open_in_new SWR 2 FORUM about Star Trek’s 50th anniversary together with Georg Seeßlen and Rüdiger Suchsland and hosted by Gregor Papsch on July 19, 2016
Das Raumschiff als Utopia
open_in_new mephisto 97.6 reporter Christoph Kotschate about my presentation “Das Raumschiff als Utopia: Die Inszenierung des Ortes bei Star Trek” at the “Medienorte – Mise-en-scènes in alten und neuen Medien” conference in Leipzig in April 2010
Other Media
Star Trek – ein politisches Projekt
Interviewed by Norbert Reichel for open_in_new Demokratischer Salon: Argumente zur historisch-politischen Bildung, January 6, 2024
This is my generation, baby
Speaking at a panel talk entitled “ChatGPT und Bildung” with Carina Schroeder, Xenia Klinge and hosted by Sophia Spyropoulos at the Theater der Jungen Welt, Leipzig, on November 8, 2023
Prima la musica, dopo le parole?
Read the role of August Everding together with André Mumot and Matthias Wengler at the Epiphanias Church in Destedt, Lower Saxony, on October 9, 2021
Simulation von Gesellschaft
Essay for open_in_new Politik & Kultur, Zeitung des Deutschen Kulturrates, July/August, 2021
Streaming – Der Tod des Kinos?
Interviewed for open_in_new luhze – Leipzigs unabhängige Hochschulzeitung, September 1, 2020
Die letzten Humanisten
Interviewed by Anton Prlic for open_in_new Salzburger Nachrichten, January 25, 2020
Beam me Up, Scotty!
Interviewed by Gunther Reinhardt for open_in_new Stuttgarter Zeitung, September 8, 2016
Der Weg ist das Ziel
Interviewed by Nikolas Pelke for open_in_new Donaukurier, April 16, 2016
Mit der Lizenz zum Spielen
Interviewed by Denis Gießler for open_in_new Gamestar 9, 2015